Mr. Kevin Adair

Bass | Drums | Guitar | Piano | Tuba | Ukulele | Voice


Mr. Kevin Adair's lifelong journey in music began at the tender age of 4 when he embarked on piano lessons. Fuelled by an enduring passion for all things musical, he soon found himself exploring new horizons by joining a multitude of bands throughout his school years. His insatiable thirst for knowledge propelled him to undertake Advanced Placement Music Theory studies, where he honed his understanding of the intricate workings of music. Under the tutelage of the renowned Blake Richardson from the progressive metal band Between the Buried and Me, Kevin's skills began to soar.

Alongside his band endeavors, he also actively participated in various theater crews and wind ensembles within the vibrant Florida music scene. Notable mentions include Aionios, Charge Alexander, For Those Like Us, and Apeiron Bound, where Kevin showed his versatility as a musician. Additionally, he has had the honor of sharing the stage with esteemed acts such as The Contortionist, Entheos, and Polyphia, further solidifying his reputation as an accomplished performer. With over a decade of professional teaching under his belt, Kevin Adair continues to inspire and impart his musical wisdom to eager students.

Teacher Birthday: November 26th

Gift Preferences for Holidays & Birthday:

Cards, Gift Cards, and “anything is appreciated”